無忘初心 堅定同行

美國一群居美港人成立了一個名為曈行者人道基金會 Walk With Hong Kong Humanitarian Foundation 的非牟利組織,期望能利用海外地域和法律優勢去填補香港各類型現存支援組織的缺口。作為在外的港人,我們實在難以不伸出救援之手,因此決定成立此組織支援手足,並提供一個安全可靠的途徑來募集海外捐款和物資。

Walk with Hong Kong Humanitarian Foundation is founded by a group of HKers living in the U.S. as a non-profit organization. We have noticed several HK democratic funds are not ready to serve the needs of every spectrum. The beneficiary of the overseas laws and regulations, we can cover the needs and loss of the helpless ones. Therefore, WWHK non-profit in the U.S. will serve a secure and reliable channel for fund raising and materials supply.

開設個案 長期跟進



WWHK is regulated and supported by a group of CPA and legal consultants. WWHK will publish our annual and/or quarterly financial statements. At the moment, we have sponsored protesters who are in need of living assistance, daily necessities, tuition fees, transportation needs or expense that has inherited from the consequences of the movement. Each reimbursement has been reviewed and approved independently by our committees to protect individual’s privacy and safety.

Currently, different supportive organizations have established overseas for similar purposes . We embrace diversities and willing to build collaboration to provide assistance at utmost.

個案地域分佈 Location Distribution of Cases

極黑之時 砥礪前行



The Cantonese name of the Fund derives from the word “Tung”. It is a homophone, which describes the hours just before Sun rises, and it means ‘together’. The darkness before dawn is the deepest, but we Walk with Hong Kong through the gloom, as the brighter day awaits.

The darkness before dawn is the deepest, but we Walk with Hong Kong through the gloom. A brighter day awaits, Hong Kongers, carry on.
